Harbor and surroundings

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Port and surrounding area form an ecosystem and flourish together. We are investing in mobility, safety and the quality of the surrounding area.

Commuting in figures

Float and waste in the harbour

Beelden enkel te gebruiken voor de interviews in het sustainability trend report.

Balance between economic progress and nature development

Along with numerous partners, the port of Antwerp is making efforts to support nature and biodiversity. The species protection programme and ecological infrastructure network are some practical examples. A range of companies at the port are picking up on this trend and making a start on stimulating biodiversity at their business premises.

Take a look at Waasland Logistics Park.

How can companies look at value in a sustainable manner?

Financial and economic indicators are not the only measure for determining the value of a company.

How can investment companies capitalise on this? How will SFPI-FPIM (Federal Participation and Investment Corporation) decide whether or not a company is eligible for an investment boost today? There is no longer any point in making expensive investments in fossil fuels. Future-proof action with a focus on sustainable and innovative solutions is coming more to the fore.


Find out how chemical giant BASF is balancing finances, the planet and people.

What is water quality like at the port?


Good water quality in the docks is important – not just for the fauna and flora, but for the surrounding companies too. This is why we are hard at work on it.

Curious about the figures?

Soil research at the port

Soil research and soil remediation never sleep. Soil research and remediation works are being prepared or implemented at a great many locations.

Read more about these projects